COVID-19: Resources for CWA Passenger Service Agents

(most recent update: June 18, 2020)
Because conditions vary across the country and are changing constantly, your Local Union leadership may have the most up-to-date information on policies in place at your work location to address the COVID-19 pandemic. If you have a question and are unable to contact your steward or local officers, submit your question to CWA using this form, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Our reporting form for COVID-19 cases at work is here.
Human Rights and COVID-19: In this moment of heightened fear and concern, we stand with those who are particularly harmed by the crisis because of their identity or status. We want to make sure no one is left without help they need to live in dignity and safety. Learn more here.
- CWA's Resource Page for Coronavirus/COVID-19 Information
- Q and A about Unemployment Benefits under the COVID-19 Relief Act (updated April 10)
- AFL-CIO's Searchable State-by-State Guide to Benefits, Resources, and Information for Workers
- Guide to Unemployment Benefits for COVID-19 Claims State-by-State
- Community (Non-Medical) Face Mask Tips (May 17, 2020)
- Transportation Labor Principles for Combating COVID-19
- Letter from Airline Unions and American Airlines CEO Doug Parker to Congress
- Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Information page
- AFL-CIO Coronavirus Information
- OSHA COVID-19 Hazard Recognition Information
Updates for American Airlines Agents
- Q and A about the VLOA Extension to September 30, 2020 (Updated June 18, 2020)
- Frequently Asked Questions Answered (Updated April 6, 2020)
- Recommendations for Workers Who Interact with the Public (May 17, 2020)
- Specific CWA Recommendations for Call Center Workers (Updated April 6, 2020)
- Updates on the VLOA/VEOP Process (April 5, 2020)
- Information for Reservations Agents (March 22, 2020)
- COVID-19 Updates from CWA (March 20, 2020)
- Safety Update on Coronavirus (March 12, 2020)
Updates for Envoy Air Agents
- Recommendations for Workers Who Interact with the Public (March 17, 2020)
- COVID-19 Updates from CWA (March 20, 2020)
- Safety Update on Coronovirus (March 12, 2020)
Updates for Piedmont Airlines Agents
- Recommendations for Workers Who Interact with the Public (March 17, 2020)
- COVID-19 Updates from CWA (March 20, 2020)
- Safety Update on Coronavirus (March 12, 2020)